HyperDrive Conversion

Connect Care transitions from the classic "HyperSpace" workstation user interface to the web technology-based "HyperDrive" in the first quarter of 2024. Most clinician-facing build transfers seamlessly to the new environment. However, some build objects may display differently and require anticipatory adjustments from Builders. Examples are highlighted below.

HyperDrive Documentation Formatting

Analysts and Builders are advised to re-check all SmartText and SmartPhrase templates in Hyperdrive to confirm that layout is as expected. Hyperdrive is not managing indents and line feeds exactly the same as Hyperspace, particularly when text blocks are brought into documentation templates using SmartLinks. Conditional SmartLinks (e.g., CERMSG) are particularly vulnerable. 

Epic has a fix for these problems that will be implemented by AHS in the fall of 2024. Until then, it may be necessary to change indents or line feeds to acheive the desired result in Hyperdrive.

HyperDrive SmartForm Layout

SmarForms can display within navigators, the chart SideBar and chart Activities. They can also be launched from Navigators, Activities or text (EpicACT links) into a popup window. The latter can be convenient for users because it allows them to complete a data entry or edit task without leaving their workflow. 

The default activity for launching popup SmartForms is "MR_SMARTFORMS_POPUP" (see EpicACT link types, SmartForms spreadsheet tab). This defaults SmartForm popup windows to a fixed width of approximately 800 pixels when used in HyperSpace. Unfortunately, the popup window defaults to 80% of the available workstation screen width in HyperDrive. This horizontally stretches or otherwise distorts many SmartForms, especially popup calculators intended for a compressed display.

We have created an override E2N (Activity) record that corrects the default width of MR_SMARTFORMS_POPUP. Builders should check their SmartForm popups in HyperDrive and report if popup layout problems are noted. It may be that other E2N records will need overrides. 

MR_MODAL_SMARTFORM can be used instead of MR_SMARTFORMS_POPUP, with the same Run Parameter configuration. Note that this modal popup activity works well in Hyperdrive. It is also possible to make a copy of that activity, then enter permanent parameters to the new popup activity. This also allows more control over the popup window formating. 

HyperDrive Popup Flowsheets

HyperDrive Popup Reports

HyperDrive Popup Activities

We have previously promoted use of dedicated popup activities (E2N) for presenting users with popup views of Internet or Help content in windows with specific sizes and features (see "Managed External Links" in External Link Norms). Those activities do not work in Hyperdrive as they did in Hyperspace. Builders do not have to swap-out the older EpicACT or Activity references (e.g., "AC_SUPPORT_BROWSER") as they have been re-configured to automatically pass contents to a popup external Internet browser (Microsoft Edge). Builders should not use the various external link popup activities going forward. Instead use regular (preferably Health Evidence Exchange) links.

HyperDrive Conversion Resources for Builders